Osmanthus fragrans f. ‘Aurantiacus’

Osmanthus fragrans f. ‘Aurantiacus’

Osmanthus fragrans f. ‘Aurantiacus’

Osmanthus fragrans f. ‘Aurantiacus’  in autunno produce fiori color arancio molto profumati. Possono durare da una a due settimane, sono molto resistenti. Tollera anche basse temperature. Dimensioni: alto e largo 4-5 metri o più.

O. fragrans f. ‘Aurantiacus’ has light to bright orange abundant flowers in fall. Although the flowers last for only one to two weeks, this form is exceptionally heavy blooming. It is more cold hardy than the species, tolerating temperatures down to -8 °F with little damage. Height max up to 4-5m.